The Idaho Legislature is back in session in Boise. We have completed two weeks of what is typically at least twelve weeks of policy and budget setting in the Idaho Capitol. For the next two years, I will serve on the Senate Education Committee and the Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee. This session’s biggest education...Read More
The legislative session is in full swing. After eight weeks of bill introductions, there are many hotly contested proposals to debate. Medicaid Expansion in Idaho, put in place by the citizen initiative in 2018, is rising in cost every year. My understanding is that the Medicaid Expansion population is relatively flat. Rising costs are driven...Read More
A few weeks back, I mentioned that funding of private schools with public money would be a significant policy question this legislative session. With five proposals so far, and potentially more to come, the “school choice” debate is now in full swing. I will share some details here to hopefully provide some flavor for the...Read More