
I voted for a committee to take on the problem of unlicensed and uninsured drivers who cause damage to Idaho residents with no means to recoup the losses. The committee would tackle this issue and propose actions consistent with the Constitution and the principles of federalism.


“Jim voted to grant drivers licenses to illegal immigrants”


I do not support biological males playing in female sports. I recognize the physiological difference between males and females. I voted NO against a poorly written House Bill 500 of 2020 that was brought by out-of-state interests. The bill is still in the courts three years later costing us, the taxpayer, an expensive legal battle. It’s better to get it right the first time, than to pass a flawed bill.


“Jim wants to allow biological males to compete in girls’ sports”


I do not support teaching Critical Race Theory in our schools which is shown by my YES vote on H377 of 2021 which prohibits teaching CRT in Idaho public schools.


“Jim supported CRT in Idaho Schools”


I voted to preserve existing Idaho law which says that the family and church have primary responsibility for sex education. I voted no on House Bill 249 of 2021 which would have overridden current law.


“Jim supported mandatory sex ed including eroticism, sexual orientation, etc.”


I helped rewrite the Idaho Content Standards over a two-year period, working with parents, teachers, and other legislators. I supported adoption of those Idaho written standards in House Bill 716 of 2022.


“Jim supported Common Core education standards”


I helped rewrite the Idaho Content Standards over a two-year period, working with parents, teachers, and other legislators. I supported adoption of those Idaho written standards in House Bill 716 of 2022.


“Jim supported Common Core education standards”


Idaho has school choice and I support it. I voted for the Empowering Parents grant program which provides $1000 for educational material per Idaho student in private, home, or public schools. I have also supported charter schools and open enrollment policies. I do not support voucher programs with no accountability for taxpayer funds.


“Jim refused to give parents school choice”


I supported a Trump-administration child reading program Federal grant in Senate Bill 1193 of 2021. We wrote the bill specifically to say that local groups of parents, civic organizations, and faith-based organizations would determine the learning materials used in the program, not the federal or state government.


“Jim supported indoctrination of preschoolers”


There was no vote on grocery tax repeal.I voted YES on House Bill 509 of 2022 to increase the grocery tax credit to $120 per person. Our current system allows Idahoans a credit on their grocery tax while still collecting sales tax from out-of-state visitors. I believe the grocery tax credit should be adjusted for inflation each year.


“Jim voted to block the grocery tax repeal”